
Visualisation: Healthcare facilities in South Africa

About this project:

The goal is to transform health facilities' data visualized using Google maps API - into a 3D mapped visualisation using Cesium.js, ArcGIS routing services and Google's photorealistic 3D tiles.

Viewers of this map will be able to:

1. See district Population map- View all districts of South Africa along with population data (it's based on 2020 census data). The map is coloured in blue with yellow strokes dividing districts based on population data per district. The darker the colour the bigger is the total population which can be seen by clicking on a district (it's represented as TPopulation).

2. See health care facilities and where they are located on each district

Meaning of icons:
Other type of health facility District health facility Private health facility

3. Fly over (in 3D) to visit hospitals with most beds and see surrounding areas.

3. See healthcare facilities with 5, 10 and 15 minutes driving areas. Note that when you use this feature, you will not be able to click and view details of facilities - you can only be able to click at a location point and see facilites accessible.

5. Geocode a health care facility of interest by using the searching bar at the top left.
This list gives names that one can start searching for.

Data limitations: This data is based on the census of 2020, more recent data was not available at the time of putting together this project.
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